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Want to keep up with millennials, stay up to date with tech and current events.

I have always prided myself with staying up to date with current events, like watching the news, listening to NPR (I love the Dianne Rehm Show), and following money on Market Watch. It seems like it's never enough. With technology moving at the speed of "here today, gone tomorrow", you have to be able to manage all that is going on in life, which is why I went back to school. To make it worse, I went to school with millennials.

I figured, if I go to school with them it will help me continue to stay up to date on people, places and things of today, did in a way. I wasn't too much behind them (I have daughters 26 and 15 to thank for that) but I realized the information that was being presented (instructors, professors, student advisers), to them was from someone not much younger than me. I guess I'm in good company.

In order to keep up with today's and tomorrow's trends, you have to understand what makes the world go around. People? Information? Yes and yes. Humans are the reason why technology is at the forefront of our entire existence. Reading, blogging, social networking and discussing what goes on in our world is how we keep up with everything.

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