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You are prepared to start at the bottom, next up, learning everything in between

You've finally got the job you've been waiting for. Well, almost. It's an entry level position but that's okay. You are ready to put in the work necessary to make a difference and show the powers that be, you're up for the challenge. How? You have to position yourself as the eager beaver. Learn everything needed to move up the ranks in the company.

Making the company look good makes you look good, which means performing at your highest level. Don't be afraid to seek counsel from your manager. He or she knows what is needed to get the job done. This says their opinion means a lot to you which can make you a valuable asset to them in the long run. When promotion time comes around, your name may come up in the "hmmm" factor.

Another way to move up the promotion ladder is to broaden your knowledge and skill set in areas that are needed. As fast as technology changes, so should your learning curve. Stay up with current events and news that focus on your industry. Keep your eye on your competitors to see if they are implementing something new, which you could learn about and possibly help your company grow. Knowledge is power.

If you think you've got it made, think again. Setting yourself up for success comes with many responsibilities, including helping other departments with projects, or joining organizations that the company volunteers with.

Don't forget, stay focused on the job you were hired for. Succeed and excel in that position before looking for the next one.

Positive visibility and performance is your way to move up to the next step of your career.

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